I’ll be in Rio 2016 with Santino

It’s a tough season for many South Sudanese and those that have a stake of any sort in the land.  Yes, we are at it again, shamefully showcasing our scars of war with mounting statistics of deaths and the displaced. The presence of active PTSD has us. Thus, Olympic Game’s fever may grip only a few souls there now.

But there’s beauty hidden in the rubble. Pure joy lies along the path of destiny for this great nation, waiting to distill through the troubled cracks and soothe many hearts of prolonged sadness and mourning. The God of heaven is undertaking for us.

As South Sudan lifts from its present despair, shunning the dark clouds of war and unparalleled economic difficulty, to send forth for the first time, three athletes to Rio 2016 Olympic Games; I’ll be accompanying them, making my first ever appearance too, at an international game’s event, on my knees.

Guor Marial will participate in the Men’s Marathon, Margret Hassan in the 200m & 400m women and our own local boy, Santino Kenyi will ignite the tracks in the 1500m men.

Can any good thing come out of South Sudan? Well, that’s why I’m headed to Rio. Santino Kenyi gives me the impetus to respond with a resounding YES!

It may seem like little or nothing, but Santino, probably more than the other team mates, represents not just a nation in crisis that desperately needs something to celebrate; he carries raw hope for a great number of youth in Yei, who know him in a very personal way; whose abilities and skills are yet unknown, untapped and may never be seen nor celebrated. This is Santino’s first Olympic Games appearance. It’s no mean feat.

His first ever competitive event was at our unknown Yei Secondary Schools’ Mini-Marathon in October 2012, at the Freedom Square in Yei, where he came in 3rd and then 1st in the subsequent two editions, 2013 and 2014.

Together with 19 other winners (first ten boys and first ten girls), they enjoyed a full year’s secondary school scholarship privilege and cash their victories accorded them. But more than that, Santino met Jesus in the course of our connection and became a born again Christian. I introduced him here, with hope we’d be where we are today, at the threshold of history. The story continues…

This lad, is my primary motivation as I head to Rio this season. I’ll be following him on my knees, as he trains and competes. Please join me…

What will winning a medallion of any class or colour at Rio 2016 do to our morale in South Sudan now?

Imagine singing our National Anthem there, as one of these three national champions get to stand on the Gold Winners’ Podium in Rio, with the flag of South Sudan caressing the breeze… We’d simply annex paradise with wordless songs of ecstasy.

Tears of joy, like a multiple tsunamis will flow wildly through the country, and probably every black person on earth would claim South Sudanese nationality for a day. Loud ululations would rent the calmness of many a night. Even if it’s just for a season, we’d sleep and wake with a proud smile; and hopefully, enduring peace. Please allow me to dream, it’s my inalienable human right.

Santino is the product of a dream that has come to be. But there’re others like him; Reida Keji, Grace Betty Bangu and Mabel Mercy and Emma Bamongoyo; who maintained steady victories over the years in the same students’ sport event that produced Santino but haven’t made it to the big stage.

There are other Santinos waiting to be revealed, sparring in hope for their time to be served fresh on the world stage. The nation of South Sudan is greatly blessed with huge potentials among the youth. Among other things, our ministry strives to discover and disciple them, to engage and accomplish their destinies.

Pray with us for an enduring peace that we yield meaningful infrastructural development. We need sport coaches. We need sponsors. We need long-term workers, who’d sit with these youth, monitor their progress and help steady their kingdom journeys. I’m their voice here, calling on you and responding to your fears and doubts with, “Come and see.” (John 1:39)

May Santino and this team in Rio 2016 excel! May their journey to Rio 2016 provoke many and open doors for others to be discovered and discipled. May their victory give the peoples of South Sudan reasons to believe and trust God for a better and brighter tomorrow; in Jesus name! Amen!

Look for us in Rio 2016; pray for peace and progress in South Sudan.

Author: Uche Izuora

I'm inspired by God’s passion for His name in every generation, which provokes global worship through Jesus Christ. Becoming an emotionally healthy and transformative disciple, I aim to mobilize the Church to engage in cross-cultural missions and raise other like-minded disciples who discover themselves in Christ and seek to present and represent Him as Savior and Lord among the nations northward of Uganda.

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